Believe me when I say that I'm speaking to myself as much as anyone when I say this.
You've made bad decisions? It's okay.
You've made mistakes? It's okay.
This isn't a life sentence. You're allowed to use that lesson as a jumping off point. You're allowed to grow from your past. You are not the woman you once were. You've grown. You've changed. You're allowed all of that!
Self-love looks like so many things. It may be a mani/pedi or it may be spending a day in your pajamas, binge watching Disney movies (or vet shows on Disney+, I'm just sayin'). It could be giving yourself a facial or cleaning your house. Or, as I was once lucky enough to have (before this quarantine hit), a six hour lunch with your best friend where tears and laughter took over for that time. Sometimes, it's letting go of the baggage that is weighing you down and keeping you from being the best version of yourself for yourself.
That is what self-love is all about. Doing what's best for you in that moment. Society pressures us to do more and be more. Even in quarantine, I'm seeing posts about bettering yourself and learning a new hobby. Seriously? Some days, I just don't want to. Some days, I want to wallow in my misery and eat comfort food. Other days, I go for a walk and enjoy the sunshine. Then, I open up a vein and write a blogpost.
One thing my beautiful goddess of a best friend tells me often is this: You do you, Boo!
She doesn't always understand why I enjoy the things I do and vice versa. But in a world where pressure to be absolutely everything to everyone reigns, it's nice to hear those words.
So, from one woman to another, let me say the thing that maybe you need to hear most: It's okay. You do you, Boo!
😭 love you!
Awww, Boo, I love you, too! You bless my life in so many ways and I'm so grateful you appeared when you did <3
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