Friday, August 28, 2020

I Did This Thing

 A few weeks ago, I wrote about a photo shoot I was doing. It was exciting and fun! And it was something that I was doing for myself, above and beyond all else.

My purpose in doing this shoot was two-fold. One was to allow me to see the beauty others claim to see. And number two was to promote Body Love, loving the body you're in no matter what the size. 

Now, you've seen pictures of me. Enough to know that I am not a skinny girl. I'm plus-size and at the age of 48, I don't really see that changing a lot. However, it doesn't mean that I'm not beautiful. 

I really wanted other women to see these pictures and say, "Wow! If she can do it, I can, too!" I wanted to empower women to straighten their crowns and walk like the queens they are.

I did my personal shoot on Saturday, then did a shoot for the Boudie Babes-Ambassador group on Sunday. I was exhausted by the time the weekend was over. My emotions were on a roller coaster. I was not feeling beautiful or sexy at all by the end of Sunday. But can I tell you something? 

Looking at the pictures? Wow! I look amazing! I look as beautiful as I felt that day as I was posing for these photos. And the man that I shared them with? The only response I got from him was "Smiles" and "They are beautiful." (They also sparked a conversation in which I was told that he's very much a boob guy. We also spun out some very hot topics that had us both smiling when we said our goodnights.)

So, with that all being said, let me show you:

I'm here to tell you that you don't have to be a smaller size to make these shoots work. This is me. When I look at these photos, I see sexy. I see confident. I see beauty. I see a Queen taking her power and using it to her advantage.


Melissa Keir said...

May you inspire others. I did a boudoir shoot a few years ago for the same reasons you said. So empowering. And while I still look at myself and see my flaws, I just have to look at those images and see a queen.

What Makes You Beautiful-Beyond the Looking Glass said...

Thank you, Melissa! I grew up with women who could only ever complain about their bodies, so I learned to do the same. I've spent 48 years hating myself. And I know other women do the same. I'm trying to make a conscious effort to spend the next 48 years loving myself and see how things change.
You are beautiful! You are incredible! You are talented! You are intelligent! And you are special!

Dawn Bray said...

Beautiful! I'm so glad you did this for you! I feel like it chipped away at some of the body toxicity you were exposed to when you were younger. ♥️

What Makes You Beautiful-Beyond the Looking Glass said...

Thank you, Boo! Between this shoot, you, and the man who holds my heart, it feels like progress is being made. Love you!